Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Porcelain Book Club Update 12/19

Sorry for the long absence. It's certainly not due to any problems on S's end - he's made good progress on "The Magus" and is now on page 600.

A discussion point:

"The mystery woven in this story works because of a very clever and well writ factor - that the main character is skeptical of the web woven around him even before the reader, thus precluding our disbelief and also having us continually want to follow the character because he's always one very short step ahead of us. It gives you no real chance to think laterally since you're always just about to catch up with the character himself, who is kept off balance by the this other character, the weaver of the web of lies."

Deep. Talk amongst yourselves.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Porcelain Book Club Update 12/4

S is on page 133. Not bad progress. S must be getting lots of fiber.

Deep thoughts and discussion questions to emerge soon.


Monday, December 3, 2007

Two Girls, One Cup

Anonymous Poo finally watched "Two Girls, One Cup." If you would like to see this video, you'll have to google it as I will not be posting a link.

All I can say is that poo is meant to be flushed, not eaten.

That's all.

Friday, November 30, 2007

The Cosby Kids

Today's euphemism:

"Drop the Cosby kids off at the pool."

For example, "I'll help you hang the Christmas lights, but first I have to drop the Cosby kids off at the pool."

Happy Friday!

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Toilet for Two

As featured on Apartment Therapy today - the toilet that brings couples even closer together!

"The TwoDaLoo is billed as the world's first toilet two people can use ... at the exact same time. It brings couples closer together and conserves our water supply all with one flush. The TwoDaLoo features two side-by-side toilet seats with a modest privacy wall in between. An upgraded version includes a seven inch LCD television and iPod docking station."

Poo for two, plus a TV and iPod docking station? Sign me up!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Grow a Tail

Today's poo euphemism (provided by my brother, Brother Poo) is:

"Grow a tail"

As in "I can't possibly fit any more turkey or stuffing into my stomach until I grow a tail."

Happy Thanksgiving, friends! Tails for everyone!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Update - Porcelain Book Club

S is on page 56 today. I'm glad he's found the time to read 35 pages since yesterday's update.

I'm sure some deep discussion questions will follow soon.

Andrex the Toilet Paper Pig

On the Reuters newswire today:

Stowaway Piglet Survives Loo Roll Ordeal

"A piglet nicknamed Andrex is recovering after being found in the back of a lorry full of toilet paper at a supermarket.
The animal, thought to be two or three weeks old, was discovered in a delivery at a Tesco store in Ilkeston, Derbyshire.

Staff wrapped the piglet in a duvet and called the RSPCA, a Tesco spokesman said on Tuesday.

He was taken to an animal shelter in Radcliffe-on-Trent, outside Nottingham, suffering from cuts and bruises to his snout."

Clearly the TP wasn't Charmin, otherwise he wouldn't have suffered cuts and bruises to his snout.

Piglets! TP! A piglet joyride in a lorry! Really, does the news get any better than this?

Monday, November 19, 2007

The Porcelain Book Club

Whenever my coworker S walks by my desk, book in hand, I know that he's planning to spend some quality time in the loo.

So, in honor of Mr. S, I am launching the "Porcelain Book Club." Today, S is reading "The Magus" by John Fowles. He's currently on page 21. I'll post regular page updates for those of you who'd like to follow along. When S has finished the book, he will share a few discussion questions for you to ponder while having a poo.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Quote of the Day

"I'll literally excuse myself and sit on the toilet somewhere to clear my mind. Pulling the energy in and getting the rest out, the debris, is very important."

-Goldie Hawn

Friday, November 16, 2007

For the poo lover on your Christmas list

Pooing Santa and Pooing Reindeer from Urban Outfitters. Really, who wouldn't love to receive one of these in their stocking?

I'd eat this

Ice cream shaped like poo from the Modern Toilet Diner in Taipei - brilliant!